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佟彬, 蒙古族,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,2015年以学术骨干身份引进内蒙古大学。长期从事于草原家畜分子遗传育种相关的动物分子遗传育种、草原家畜经济性状相关功能基因的挖掘和基因功能验证等科研工作。发表论文30余篇,其中SCI论文20余篇。参编学术著作1部《RECENT ADVANCES IN CRYOPRESERVATION》。 荣誉奖项: 2014年荣获教育部颁发“国家优秀自费留学生奖”; 2014年荣获国际动物遗传学会(ISAG)颁发“34th International Society of Animal Genetics Conference,Student Travel Bursary Award”; 2016年荣获内蒙古自治区“草原英才”称号; 2018年入选人社部“高层次留学人才回国资助人选”名单; 2019年荣获国际动物遗传学会(ISAG)颁发“37th International Society of Animal Genetics Conference,Early Career Travel Bursary Award”。 相关项目: 主持2015年内蒙古大学人才引进学术骨干项目; 主持2016年“草原英才”工程项目; 主持2017年国家重点实验室自主课题; 主持2018年内蒙古自治区科技计划项目、内蒙古自治区检验检测开放课题和人社部“高层次留学人才回国资助”项目; 主持2019年自治区自然基金重大项目。 参与国家科技重大专项“高产优质肉牛新品种培育”项目和多项内蒙古自治区科技重大与重点项目。 相关论文: 2020年: [1] Bin Tong, Jiapeng Wang, Zixuan Cheng, Jiasen Liu, Yiran Wu, Yunhua Li, Chunling Bai, Suwen Zhao, Haiquan Yu and Guangpeng Li. Novel Variants in GDF9 Gene Affect Promoter Activity and Litter Size in Mongolia Sheep. Genes, 2020, 11: 375. 2017年: [1] 佟彬,张立,李光鹏. 中国肉牛分子与基因修饰育种研究进展. 遗传, 2017, 39(11): 984-1015. 2016年: [1] Komatsu Y, Sukegawa S, Yamashita M, Katsuda N, Tong B, Ohta T, Kose H and Yamada T. Identification of genes showing differential expression profile associated with growth rate in skeletal muscle tissue of Landrace weanling pig. Journal of Genetics, 2016, 95(2): 341-347. [2] Tong B, Muramatsu Y, Fuke N, Himizu Y, Katou H, Ohta T, Kose H and Yamada T. Allele frequency distribution of the NCAPG c.1326T>G SNP associated with growth-related traits in Niigata population of Japanese Black beef cattle. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 2016, 6, 202-206. 2015年: [1] Tong B, Gao G Q, Muramatsu Y, Ohta T, Kose H, Li G P, Fatchiyah F and Yamada T. Association of the expression levels in the longissimus muscle and a SNP in the CDC10 gene with marbling in Japanese Black beef cattle. Meat Science, 2015, 108: 28-31. [2] Tong B, Muramatsu Y, Ohta T, Kose H, Yamashiro H, Sugiyama T and Yamada T. Association of the expression level of the MYBPC1 gene in skeletal muscle with marbling trait in Japanese Black beef cattle. Annals of Animal Science, 2015, 15(2): 349-358. [3] Yamashiro H, Abe Y, Hayashi G, Urushihara Y, Kuwahara Y, Suzuki M, Kobayashi J, Kino Y, Fukuda T, Tong B, Takino S, Sugano Y, Sugimura S, Yamada T, Isogai E and Fukumoto M. Electron probe X-ray microanalysis of boar and inobuta testes after the Fukushima accident. Journal of Radiation Research, 2015, 56(S1): i42-i47. [4] Tong B, Xing Y P, Muramatsu Y, Ohta T, Kose H, Zhou H M and Yamada T. Association of expression levels in skeletal muscle and a SNP in the MYBPC1 gene with growth-related trait in Japanese Black beef cattle. Journal of Genetics, 2015, 94(1): 135-137. 2014年: [1] Tong B, Li G P, Sasaki S, Muramatsu Y, Ohta T, Kose H and Yamada T. Association of the expression levels in the skeletal muscle and a SNP in the CDC10 gene with growth-related traits in Japanese Black beef cattle. Animal Genetics, 2014, 46(2): 200-204. [2] Uematsu E, Takino S, Okajima H, Tong B, Sugiyama T, Yamada T, Niimura S and Yamashiro H. Use of in ovo chorioallantoic membrane engraftment to culture testes from neonatal mice. Comparative Medicine, 2014, 64(4): 264-269. [3] Yamashita M, Komatsu Y, Yamada T, Tong B, Ohta T, Sugiyama T, Yamashiro H, Kaneko Y, Nagata H and Iwaisaki H. Polymorphisms of the dopamine receptor D4 gene in the Sado population of the Japanese crested ibis. The Journal of Animal Genetics, 2014, 42: 65-69. [4] Ohta T, Katsuda Y, Miyajima K, Sasase T, Kimura S, Tong B and Yamada T. Gender differences in metabolic disorders and related diseases in Spontaneously Diabetic Torii-Lepr(fa) rats. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2014: 841957. [5] Tong B, Sasaki S, Muramatsu Y, Ohta T, Kose H, Yamashiro H, Fujita T and Yamada T. Association of a single-nucleotide polymorphism in myosin-binding protein C, slow-type (MYBPC1) gene with marbling in Japanese Black beef cattle. Animal Genetics, 2014, 45(4): 611-612. [6] Katsuda O, Ohta T, Miyajima K, Kemmochi Y, Sasase T, Tong B, Shinohara M and Yamada T. Diabetic complications in obese type 2 diabetic rat models. Experimental Animals, 2014, 3(2): 121-132. [7] Tong B, Sasaki S, Muramatsu Y, Ohta T, Kose H, Fujita T and Yamada T. The G allele at the g.70014208A>G in the MYBPC1 gene associated with high marbling in Japanese Black cattle is at a low frequency in breeds not selected for marbling. Journal of Genetics, 2014, 93(1): 231-233.  [8] Komatsu Y, Yamashita M, Yamada T, Tong B, Ohta T, Sugiyama T, Yamashiro H, Kaneko Y, Nagata H and Iwaisaki H. The nucleotide sequences for the dopamine receptor D4 gene in the Japanese crested ibis. The Journal of Animal Genetics, 2014, 42: 3-9. [9] Tong B, Wu K F, Sasaki S, Muramatsu Y, Ohta T, Kose H and Yamada T. Possible association of single nucleotide polymorphism in the Myosin Heavy chain 1 gene with growth-related trait in Japanese Black beef cattle. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2014, 13(1): 41-44. [10] Wu Y, Tong B, Wu K F, Sasaki S, Muramatsu Y, Ohta T, Kose H, Yamada T, Zhang D and Ni G X. Association of single nucleotide polymorphism in IRS1 gene with growth-related trait in Japanese Black beef cattle. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2014, 13(1): 37-40. 2013年: [1] Yamashiro H, Abe Y, Kuwahara Y, Fukuda T, Kino Y, Inoue K, Takahashi S, Fukumoto M, Kobayashi J, Tong B, Takino S, Yamada T, Sekine T, Isogai E and Fukumoto M. Cryopreservation of cattle, pig, inobuta sperm and oocyte after the Fukushima Nuclear Plant accident. Intech, 2013, 5: 73-81. [2] Katsuda Y, Ohta T, Shinohara M, Tong B and Yamada T. Diabetic mouse models. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 2013, 3(4): 334-342. [3] Yamashiro H, Abe Y, Fukuda T, Kino Y, Kawaguchi I, Kuwahara Y, Fukumoto M, Takahashi  S, Suzuki M, Kobayashi J, Uematsu E, Tong B, Yamada T, Yoshida S, Sato E, Shinoda H, Sekine T, Isogai E and Fukumoto M. Effects of radioactive caesium on bull testes after the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3: 2850. [4] Tong B, Fuke N, Himizu Y, Katou H, Hatano M, Ohta T, Kose H and Yamada T. No replicated association of the c.-312A>G in EDG1 with marbling in Niigata population of Japanese Black beef cattle. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 2013, 3(4): 269-272. [5] Kaneko K, Uematsu E, Takahashi Y, Tong B, Takino S, Wajiki Y, Kimura T, Yamashiro H, Kaneko Y, Iwaisaki H, Sugiyama T, Yamada T and Yamagishi S. Semen collection and polymerase chain reaction-based sex determination of black-headed and straw-necked ibis. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2013, 48: 1001-1005.